Far Southeast Playgrounds

  • Playground
    Abbott Park - Playground
    Abbott Park's playground is located in the northeast corner of the park and features a large play structure. This structure includes a few slides and some unique climbing elements. There is also a variety of swings (toddler and tire; belt seat and molded plastic with harness) and a see-saw and a car on a spring. The play area is not fully enclosed but the playground is set away from the street. The play surface is wood chips and low perimeter walls provide some seating. There are two water spray features just to the north of the playground.
  • Playground
    Avalon Park - Playground
    The playground in Avalon Park is located just south of 83rd Street and was renovated in 2016. The playground features two large areas - one designed for older kids and the other for younger kids - with a variety of modern equipment. The area for older children features unique net/rope climbing structures whereas the area for younger children features a more traditional play structure. Both areas include age appropriate swings and there are a few additional standalone elements. The playground itself is not enclosed but is removed from any street or parking lot. The play surface is wood chips but is set in a large grassy field and the entire area is very well shaded by large, mature trees. Although there is limited seating around the playground itself, there are benches and picnic tables in the immediate area. Furthermore, there is a dedicated water playground nearby as well. With modern equipment, plenty of shade and seating, and some great water features, this is a great playground.
  • Playground
    Bessemer Park - Playground
    Located on the eastern edge of Bessemer Park, this playground boasts two big play areas, plenty of shade, and a nice water feature. The smaller area is designed for younger children and features a solid play structure and a few standalone elements as well as a variety of swings. The larger area is actually huge and features a large play structure for older children with lots of rope/net features for climbing and traversing. There is also a small water spray feature just to the south of the playground. The play areas are not enclosed but they are fenced from the street and set back a bit. The area is shaded by large trees and there are a few benches for seating. The play surface in both areas is wood chips. There is a fieldhouse building just to the north providing bathroom access. All in all, this is a great playground.
  • Playground
    Bradley Park - Playground
    The playground at Bradley Park isn't glamorous or particularly unique, but is a standard and traditional neighborhood playground. There is one large play structure with a variety of slides and climbing elements. There is a standard set of Chicago Park swings (toddler, adaptive, and belt seat) as well as a see-saw and spinning saucer. The play area is fenced from the street but not fully enclosed and there are a few tables and the low perimeter wall for seating around the wood chip covered play area. Ground breaking? No. Satisfactory? Yes.
  • Playground
    Brown Memorial Park - Playground
    With a large play structure, standard set of swings, and a small water spray feature, the playground at Brown Park has a lot to offer. The play structure is quite large and features a variety of slides and climbing elements and is designed to challenge older climbers. There are a few standalone elements as well as the standard set of Chicago Park swings (toddler, adaptive, and belt seat.) The water spray feature is a simple four sprayer. There is ample shade and decent seating options near this playground. The play surface is wood chips and the play area is fenced from the street (but not fully enclosed) and opens directly into the park. All in all, this is a standard playground in a Chicago Park in the best sense of the term; it is great.
  • Playground
    Burnside Park - Playground
    Burnside Park - the only Chicago Park that serves the neighborhood and community area of the same name - contains a decent playground and small water spray feature. The playground contains a variety of somewhat standard equipment that was last renovated in 2014. Similarly, the water spray feature is a standard 'four sprayer.' The general setting is pleasant and the non-play amenities are basic: a few benches and a drinking fountain. The main play surface is wood chips and although there are trees nearby, the play area itself is bright and sunny.
  • Playground
    Calumet Park - Playground
    The playground at Calumet Park just northwest of the Calumet Beach and features a single large play structure with a variety of swings and standalone elements. The playground itself is a rather standard affair but the setting is quite unique for Chicago with both large trees overhead and views to Lake Michigan. There are benches around the perimeter of this playground and the main play surface is wood chips. All in all, this is a pretty standard playground in a great location with some above average views.
  • Playground
    Carver Park - North Playground
    This playground - one of two in Carver Park - is located near the northside of the park just south of 132nd Street. As of 2022, it features a set of toddler swing and a play structure with a couple of slides and ladders as well as an overhead glider and straight hanging ring monkey bar. The play surface is wood chips and although the play area isn't enclosed it is set back from the street.
  • Playground
    Carver Park - South Playground
    This playground - one of two in Carver Park - is located toward the south side of the park, just south of 133rd Street. It features a single large play structure with a variety of slides as well as several climbing and overhead elements. There are also a few standalone features including a see-saw, arched climber, and cascade climber as well as the standard set of swings. The play surface is wood chips and there is a park district comfort station nearby for bathroom access.
  • Playground
    Cooper Park - Playground
    The playground at Cooper Park is located in the northeast corner of the park and features a large structure for older children, a smaller structure for younger children, and the standard set of swings. The large play structure is somewhat accessible via a ramp and though somewhat sprawling never gets too high. The playground is shaded by large trees and there are a few benches for seating as well as a drinking fountain. The play surface is soft rubber and the play area is fenced from the street (but not fully enclosed) and opens directly into the park.
  • Playground
    DeBow Park - Playground
    Nearly all of tiny DeBow Park is a playground. This playground contains the Chicago Park standard swings - toddler, adaptive, and belt seat - as well as a somewhat strange play structure with a variety of play elements. The structure isn't bad or broken - just strange. The setting also seemed strange to me as an outsider to the neighborhood; there are beautiful and towering trees on this site but the location between an alley and a train embankment seemed awkward. Yet despite these flaws, this still seems like a decent little Chicago Park playground.
  • Playground
    Dixon Park - Playground
    A moderate size play structure with a few slides, a variety of climbing elements, and an overhead element and a variety of swings (toddler, adaptive, belt seat, and a tire swing) make up the playground at Dixon Park. The play area is fenced from the street (but not fully enclosed) and there are a few benches for seating. All in all, this is a solid and respectable neighborhood playground.
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