
  • Playground
    Carver Park - North Playground
    This playground - one of two in Carver Park - is located near the northside of the park just south of 132nd Street. As of 2022, it features a set of toddler swing and a play structure with a couple of slides and ladders as well as an overhead glider and straight hanging ring monkey bar. The play surface is wood chips and although the play area isn't enclosed it is set back from the street.
  • Playground
    Carver Park - South Playground
    This playground - one of two in Carver Park - is located toward the south side of the park, just south of 133rd Street. It features a single large play structure with a variety of slides as well as several climbing and overhead elements. There are also a few standalone features including a see-saw, arched climber, and cascade climber as well as the standard set of swings. The play surface is wood chips and there is a park district comfort station nearby for bathroom access.
  • Playground
    Golden Gate Park - Playground
    The small playground at Golden Gate Park is in a quiet residential neighborhood and contains two small structures and a water spray feature. The smaller structure is designed for younger children and features a few climbing elements and a slide. The larger structure contains a long curving slide and a twisted climbing ladder as well as a variation of monkey bars and a few traversing elements. Between them is a simple four sprayer water feature and a sand box. Both play areas are heavily shaded by trees and have a wood chip play surface. There are also a few benches near the play areas. Overall, this is a nice, quiet, and shady playground.
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