Senka Park - Playground
- Description
The playground at Senka Park is located on the eastern side of the park and seems well loved. The current equipment has been in place since at least 2007 and shows signs of its age. The playground has three main areas: an area for younger children with a traditional play structure and a play ship, an area for older children, an a water spray feature (not pictured in this review). The equipment is standard and offers a variety of slides, climbing elements, monkey bars, and swings.
The rest of Senka Park is quite nice with winding walking paths and several athletic fields. There is a large shade pavilion near the playgrounds (though the play areas themselves are quite bright and sunny). Additional seating - benches and picnic tables - would be a welcome addition. All in all, this is a solid neighborhood playground but some improvements could transform this site into a true gem. - Playground Features
- Surface: Wood Chips
- Accessible
- Need Better Image
- Water Feature
- Destination Playground
- Playground Equipment
- Toddler Swing
- Play Ship*
- Single Curved Slide
- Tube
- Quarter Circle Plank Ladder
- Periscope Panel
- Climbing Cubes
- Bead Panel
- Single Corkscrew Slide
- Steering Wheel Panel
- Double Straight Slide
- Tic Tac Toe
- Panel Ladder
- Monkey Bars
- Double Wave Slide
- Corkscrew Climber
- Xylophone Chimes Panel
- Chain Ladder
- Half Circle Ladder
- Overhead Slider
- Belt Seat Swing
- Adaptive Swing
- Top and Bottom Spinner
- Single Curved Slide
- Braille and Clock Panel
- Double Wave Slide
- Space/Cloud Panel
- Unity Park Five Sprayer
- Part of
- Senka Park
- Street Address (of the Park)
- 5656 S St Louis Ave Chicago, IL 60629
Part of Senka Park - Playground